Rock Solid Dairy

Growing up, Zane Garber always dreamed of running a modern dairy all his own. In 2007, Zane and his wife, Juanita, had an opportunity to purchase their own dairy just 20 miles from his childhood home. Since then, Zane and Juanita, along with their kids, Micah, Nathan, Jen and James, have built Rock Solid Dairy into a strong foundation for the future.

Like most dairy farms, cow comfort is always top of mind. Milking nearly 350 cows and farming more than 775 acres, Zane and Juanita, treat their “girls” with the utmost care, which in turn provide consistent, high-quality milk — a priority for Zane and his operation.
In fact, throughout the years, Zane has learned that milk quality is tied to every small detail on the farm — from keeping the free stalls clean and making sure the milk procedures are accurately followed, to feeding the girls a healthy, balanced diet. At Rock Solid Dairy, hard work is non-negotiable. And that, in turn, leads to very delicious milk indeed.

Quality is of utmost importance to us here. It’s a daily commitment.